Focused on Success 30 Day Challenge – Day 24

Plans to visit family have me distracted, so some choices haven’t been so great. It’s actually sort of self sabotage since I could be doing well now, but when we travel it’ll be harder to stay on track. Part of it is that I’m trying to get as much paid work done as I can during the day, since when we are traveling I won’t be being paid. Breakfast was oatmeal with dried fruit and brown sugar. Lunch was lentil soup and organic cotton tortilla chips. Dinner was baked potato wedges, pickle wedges, an avocado, and grapes. Snacks were pumpkin seeds and skittles. I did my stretches but didn’t end up walking. I drank about five bottles of water.

How do you keep yourself on track when preparing for a trip or while traveling?

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2 Responses to “Focused on Success 30 Day Challenge – Day 24”

  1. Annemarie Says:

    My biggest problem when we travel is exercise. Usually we drive, and I don’t like motel fitness rooms — when they exist, which they often don’t. A friend insists that squatting has all the benefits of aerobics and stuff, so I may try it when we do our big drive-across-the-country soon.

    Food-wise, I eat a lot of salad. 🙂

    • AmyKathryn Says:

      Yes, I see a lot of salad (and french fries or baked potatoes) in my future. Exercise sometimes happens…it depends on where we’re going and why. If we go on a walk with friends or walk around a touristy town, that’s usually the extent of it.

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